According to intelligence rankings, border collies are the smartest dogs, learning new information in five seconds or less and following commands nearly 95% of the time.

How does the author distinguish a position in the sentence?

To determine how the author distinguishes a position in the sentence, we need to analyze the sentence structure and the use of language. In this sentence, the author uses specific details and comparative language to highlight the distinguishing characteristics of border collies.

1. Specific details: The author mentions that border collies learn new information in five seconds or less and follow commands nearly 95% of the time. These precise numbers provide specific information about the intelligence of border collies and help distinguish them from other dogs.

2. Comparative language: The author states that border collies are considered the smartest dogs. By using the superlative form "smartest," the author sets border collies apart from other dog breeds. This comparison suggests that there is a ranking or hierarchy in terms of dog intelligence, and border collies are at the top.

Overall, the author distinguishes a position in the sentence by providing specific details about the abilities of border collies and by using comparative language to compare them to other dog breeds.