Drag and drop the words into the correct locations.

no details?

The main topic are previewed in the ________ of an essay, and most details and supporting arguments are presented in the _____ of the essay.

Hook, conclusion, introduction, body

It’s introduction then body

To drag and drop words into the correct locations, you will typically need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the words that need to be dragged and dropped.
2. Click and hold on the word you want to move.
3. While holding the mouse button down, drag the word to the desired location.
4. Release the mouse button to drop the word into the new location.

Note that the specific instructions may vary depending on the platform or application you are using. For example, on a computer, you would generally use a mouse or trackpad to drag and drop words, whereas on a touch-screen device like a tablet or smartphone, you would use your finger to perform the drag and drop actions.

If you have a specific drag and drop exercise or question in mind, please provide more details so that I can assist you with it.