Which statement best summarizes why the population of African American slaves in Texas increased so much by 1860?

• Wages for farmworkers had dropped significantly.
• The cotton industry had entered a boom period.
• The supply of available land was nearly gone.
• Free labor in the state was easily located.


patrick is correct

He's correct.

To determine which statement best summarizes why the population of African American slaves in Texas increased so much by 1860, let's evaluate each option:

1. Wages for farmworkers had dropped significantly: This statement is related to the economic conditions of farm laborers, but it does not directly address the increase in the African American slave population.

2. The cotton industry had entered a boom period: This statement suggests that the increase in the African American slave population might be due to the growth of the cotton industry. Cotton was a major cash crop during this time, and the demand for slave labor in cotton plantations was high.

3. The supply of available land was nearly gone: This statement refers to the scarcity of available land, which might have encouraged plantation owners to increase the number of slaves to maximize productivity on existing land.

4. Free labor in the state was easily located: This statement implies that the availability of free labor in the state could have influenced the increase in the African American slave population. However, it does not consider why slave labor was specifically preferred.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the statement "The cotton industry had entered a boom period" best summarizes why the population of African American slaves in Texas increased so much by 1860. The demand for labor in the booming cotton industry likely led plantation owners to acquire more slaves to meet the growing need for cultivation and harvesting.