Curtis is Working on an essay. He copies and paste of the sentence into his essay.He make sure to include quotation marks in properly sites his sources.

It seems like you want to know how to properly include a sentence from another source into an essay while citing the source and using quotation marks correctly. Here's how you can do it:

1. Determine the source: Identify the original source of the sentence you want to include in your essay. This can be a book, article, website, etc.

2. Understand citation format: Familiarize yourself with the citation style required by your instructor or academic institution. Common citation styles include MLA, APA, and Chicago. Each style has specific guidelines for formatting in-text citations and creating a bibliography or works cited page.

3. Insert the sentence: Once you have the sentence you want to include, place it within quotation marks to indicate that it is a direct quote.

For example, if the sentence is: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (Nelson Mandela), you would insert it as: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

4. Include an in-text citation: Immediately after the quoted sentence, include an in-text citation to acknowledge the original source. The format of the citation will depend on the citation style you are using.

For example, in MLA style, you would include the author's last name and the page number in parentheses after the quote: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (Mandela 47).

5. Create a works cited page: At the end of your essay, include a section titled "Works Cited" or "References" (depending on the citation style), where you list the full bibliographic information for the source you used. Again, the formatting will depend on the citation style.

For example, in MLA style, the citation for a book would include the author's name, book title, publication date, and other relevant details.

Remember to consult the appropriate style guide or ask your instructor for clarification if you have any doubts about how to properly format citations in your essay.