Determine if the scenario is considered academic dishonesty. If a situation is academic dishonesty, select Yes. If it does not violate any rules, select No.

Curtis is working on an essay. He copies and pastes a sentence into his essay. He makes sure to include quotation marks and properly cites his source.


Determine if the scenario is considered academic dishonesty. If a situation is academic dishonesty, select Yes. If it does not violate any rules, select No.

Pam posts an answer to a test question on Facebook.


To determine if the scenario is considered academic dishonesty, we need to understand what academic dishonesty entails. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of cheating, plagiarism, or unethical behavior that violates the principles of academic integrity. In this case, Curtis copied and pasted a sentence into his essay and properly cited his source with quotation marks.

In general, incorporating someone else's work into your own with proper citation is considered an acceptable and ethical practice. It shows that Curtis acknowledges and gives credit to the original author. However, it is essential to ensure that Curtis follows the specific guidelines set by his educational institution or instructor regarding the use of outside sources in his essay.

To determine if this specific scenario is considered academic dishonesty, Curtis should refer to his institution's academic integrity policy or consult with his instructor. The guidelines and expectations may vary, so it is crucial to understand the specific rules governing his academic work.