This drawing was made using what natural resources

To determine what natural resources were used to create a drawing, we can consider the materials typically used in art. Here are some common natural resources used in drawing:

1. Pencil: The graphite core found in pencils is made of graphite, a form of carbon. The wood casing around the graphite is usually made from cedar or other types of wood.

2. Charcoal: Artists often use charcoal for creating dark and tonal drawings. Charcoal is made by burning wood, typically from hardwood trees like willow or vine.

3. Pastels: Pastels are sticks of compressed pigment, which can be made from a variety of materials like chalk, clay, or minerals. They are often mixed with a binder like gum or wax.

4. Ink: Ink used in drawings can be derived from various sources. Traditional ink was made from carbon-based substances like soot or lampblack mixed with a liquid such as water or oil.

5. Colored pencils: Colored pencils contain a pigment core mixed with a binder, usually wax or oil. The pigment can be derived from natural sources like minerals or organic materials.

Apart from these materials, the paper used for drawing is usually made from natural fibers like wood pulp, cotton, or linen.

Keep in mind that the specific materials used in a drawing may vary depending on the artist's preference and the desired effect.