Please help! I just need like a template or something, but if you can answer the full question that be great

In 2-3 sentences, identify ONE way that Thoreau expresses his skepticism of governmental power.
In 2-3 sentences, explain how Thoreau uses the Mexican-American War to support his conclusions.

To identify one way that Thoreau expresses his skepticism of governmental power, you can start by examining his essay "Civil Disobedience." Thoreau criticizes the government's authority by arguing that an individual should not blindly obey unjust laws. He suggests that people have a moral obligation to resist unjust actions of the government.

To explain how Thoreau uses the Mexican-American War to support his conclusions, you can find evidence in his essay where he discusses his refusal to pay taxes as a form of protest against the war. Thoreau argues that by paying taxes, individuals indirectly support the government's war efforts, and thus, become complicit in the injustices perpetrated by the government. By highlighting his personal act of resistance, Thoreau demonstrates how individuals can voice their dissent against unjust actions of the government.