3. True or False. Swahili culture is an example of cultural diffusion since it is a mixed culture combining features from Southwest Asia and East Africa.

1 point

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to understand the concept of cultural diffusion and the characteristics of Swahili culture. Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural traits, ideas, and practices from one society to another through various means, such as trade, migration, or conquest.

Swahili culture is indeed an example of cultural diffusion. The Swahili people are an ethnic and cultural group residing along the eastern coast of Africa, particularly in Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Their culture emerged from interactions and exchanges between Bantu-speaking communities and Arab traders from Southwest Asia (specifically the Arabian Peninsula) around the 7th century.

The influence of Arab traders on Swahili culture is evident in various aspects, such as language (Swahili is heavily influenced by Arabic), religion (Islam became a dominant faith among the Swahili people), architecture (the use of coral stone and Arab-inspired designs), and cuisine (introduction of spices and cooking techniques).

East Africa also contributed to the development of Swahili culture, particularly through Bantu traditions, indigenous beliefs, and local practices. Therefore, Swahili culture can be considered a mixed culture combining features from Southwest Asia and East Africa, making the statement "Swahili culture is an example of cultural diffusion" TRUE.