Hello everyone, may I please have help with this quick check?<3

1. Which would be a relevant and sufficient reason to support the claim "Lawson's Dog Grooming will give your dog award-winning style!"?

A. The business won an award from the dog grooming association for excellent work.
B. A neighbor says that the groomers at Lawson's were very kind to her puppy.
C. There was an online coupon for 50% off your dog's first visit.
D. The waiting room features photos of many different dog breeds.

2. When is evidence relevant?

A. When it is from a well-known resource
B. When it is directly related to the claim
C. When it is interesting
D. When it is very new

3. Evaluating the evidence of a claim serves which purpose?

A. To determine if the evidence supports a claim
B. To determine if the evidence matches the opinions of others
C. To determine if the evidence feels right
D. To determine if the evidence is popular

Looks like I've beaten you to this question Meowman. (Context: Me and Meowman are having a competition to see who can respond to Sorry the fastest.)

The sentences with the stars are explanations and the sentences with the hearts are answers.
Anyways, here!
♥1. The business won an award from the dog grooming association for excellent work.
★How I found the answer: Look closely the keywords are "award-winning style" think about it if it's award-winning, doesn't that support the claim?
♥2. When it is directly related to the claim.
★How I found the answer: I can see why you would go with A but that's not the answer nor do the other ones besides B make sense.
♥3. To determine if the evidence supports a claim
★How I found the answer: This one is self-explanatory....
Have a nice day, and remember I'm better than Meowman!~♫

thank you romantic killer! i needed to check my answers :)

1. A

2. A or B not sure

1. To determine a relevant and sufficient reason to support the claim "Lawson's Dog Grooming will give your dog award-winning style!" you would need to evaluate the options and choose the one that provides strong evidence for the claim.

A. The business won an award from the dog grooming association for excellent work - This option provides direct evidence of the business winning an award from a credible source, showcasing their expertise and skill in dog grooming. This supports the claim and thus is a relevant and sufficient reason.

B. A neighbor says that the groomers at Lawson's were very kind to her puppy - While this statement indicates good customer service, it doesn't directly support the claim of award-winning style.

C. There was an online coupon for 50% off your dog's first visit - This option indicates a discount offer but doesn't provide evidence of award-winning style.

D. The waiting room features photos of many different dog breeds - Although this option suggests the business serves a diverse clientele, it doesn't directly relate to the claim of award-winning style.

Therefore, option A is the most relevant and sufficient reason to support the claim.

2. Evidence is considered relevant when it directly relates to the claim being made.

A. When it is from a well-known resource - While evidence from well-known resources can be credible, its relevance depends on how directly it supports the claim.

B. When it is directly related to the claim - This option correctly states that evidence needs to be directly connected to the claim. If the evidence doesn't address the claim's topic or provide relevant information, then it may not be sufficient.

C. When it is interesting - While interesting evidence can grab attention, it doesn't necessarily make it relevant unless it directly supports the claim.

D. When it is very new - The newness of the evidence doesn't necessarily determine its relevance unless it specifically pertains to the claim.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer since evidence must be directly related to the claim to be considered relevant.

3. The purpose of evaluating the evidence of a claim is to determine if the evidence supports the claim being made.

A. To determine if the evidence supports a claim - This option correctly describes the purpose of evaluating evidence. By assessing whether the evidence provides sufficient support for the claim, you can make an informed judgment.

B. To determine if the evidence matches the opinions of others - While considering differing opinions can be helpful, determining the validity of evidence is more about its direct support for the claim rather than matching the opinions of others.

C. To determine if the evidence feels right - Evaluating evidence should be based on reason, logic, and factual support rather than personal feelings.

D. To determine if the evidence is popular - Popularity does not determine the validity or support of evidence for a claim.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A because evaluating evidence serves the purpose of determining if it supports the claim.