A mixture of gases is heated and rises to the top of its container. Which statement best explains this result?

can anyone also give me the rest of the answers?

I don't see any statements from which to choose.

I'm assuming you at GACA. Question 2. "A mixture of gases is heated and rises to the top of its container. Which statement best explains this result?"

The statement that best explains this result is: "When gases are heated, their particles gain energy and move faster, causing the gas to expand and become less dense compared to the surrounding cooler air. This causes the heated gas to rise to the top of its container."

To understand why this happens, we need to consider the behavior of gas particles. Gas particles are in constant motion, moving in all directions. When gases are heated, the energy is transferred to the particles, causing them to move faster and with greater kinetic energy. As a result, the gas particles collide more frequently and with greater force, exerting more pressure on the walls of the container.

As the gas particles gain energy and move faster, they also spread out and occupy more space. This expansion leads to a decrease in the density of the gas. The density of a gas is directly related to its mass and volume, so when the volume increases due to expansion, the density decreases. As a result, the heated gas becomes less dense than the surrounding cooler air.

According to the principle of buoyancy, less dense objects tend to rise above denser objects. In the case of the heated gas, it becomes less dense than the cooler air surrounding it, causing it to rise to the top of its container, where it is displaced by the cooler, denser air. This process is known as convection.

In summary, when a mixture of gases is heated, the increased kinetic energy of gas particles causes them to spread out, expand, and become less dense compared to the surrounding cooler air. This difference in density causes the heated gas to rise to the top of its container.