Question 5 (1 point)

A mixture of gases is heated and rises to the top of its container. Which statement best explains this result?

Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.
Heated gases will have decreased kinetic energy and decreased density.
Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and increased density.
Heated gases will have decreased kinetic energy and increased density.


The correct answer is:

a) Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.

The correct answer is a) Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.

To understand this answer, it is important to know some basic principles about gases. Gases are made up of particles (atoms or molecules) that are in constant random motion. This motion is known as kinetic energy. When you heat a gas, you are supplying it with energy which increases the kinetic energy of the gas particles.

As the gas particles gain kinetic energy, they move faster and collide with each other more frequently and with more force. This increased kinetic energy and collision rate causes the gas particles to spread out and occupy more space. In other words, the gas expands.

The decrease in density occurs because, as the gas expands, the same number of gas particles are now spread out over a larger volume. Density is defined as the mass of the gas divided by its volume. When the volume increases but the mass remains the same, the density decreases.

Therefore, when a mixture of gases is heated, the gas particles gain kinetic energy, causing them to move faster, collide more frequently, and spread out. This results in a decrease in density as the gases rise to the top of their container.