At the end of a party, 3/4 cup of smoked fished dip is left. Jim divides 4/5 of the potato salad at the deli.

To find out how much potato salad Jim divided, you need to multiply the amount of potato salad by the fraction representing the portion Jim took. Here's how to do it:

1. Start with the amount of potato salad available at the deli, which is the whole amount.
2. Multiply the whole amount of potato salad by the fraction representing the portion Jim took, which is 4/5.
- To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together (4 x 1) and multiply the denominators together (5 x 1).
- This will give you the amount of potato salad Jim took.

Once you have the amount of potato salad Jim took, you can compare it to the amount of smoked fish dip left. Remember that the amount of potato salad Jim took is in fraction form, so you may need to convert it to a proper fraction or mixed number if necessary.

Let me know if you need further assistance!