Where do most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from?

Most people living in Australia descend from Germany, while most people living in New Zealand descend from France.

Most people living in Australia descend from Spain, while most people living in New Zealand descend from Ireland.

Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Spain and France.

Whats the answer?

The answer is C. Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

C. Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

The correct answer is C. Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

To find the answer, we can look at the historical colonization and immigration patterns of these countries. Australia and New Zealand both have a significant British and Irish heritage.

Australia was initially settled by the British as a penal colony in the late 18th century. Over time, more British settlers arrived, seeking a new life or gold during the Australian gold rush. The colony also attracted Irish immigrants due to the devastating Irish potato famine in the mid-19th century.

Similarly, New Zealand was also primarily settled by the British through colonization. The British signed the Treaty of Waitangi with the indigenous Maori people in 1840, establishing New Zealand as a British colony. Many British settlers, including those from Scotland and Wales, migrated to New Zealand.

Of course, these countries are multicultural, and people from various backgrounds have settled there since then. However, the British and Irish heritage remains a significant influence on the majority of the population in both Australia and New Zealand.