When studying art from long ago, it's tough to determine how and why a piece of art was created. However, there is more information about ancient art than there is about prehistoric art. Why is this information more prevalent when it comes to ancient art?

A. The cultures who created ancient art recorded their history in writing.***
B. Ancient art is more entertaining to look at than prehistoric art.
C. Archaeologists find more value in studying ancient times than prehistoric times.
D. Most of prehistoric writing was destroyed before anyone could read about the meaning of their work.

This is just to answer all the questions for ppl in the future..

The questions are mixed around so make sure to look over all of them

1. The cultures who created ancient art recorded their history in writing.

2. The greater amount of remains and ruins belonging to ancient societies help piece together the function and meaning of the art.

3. Both have pieces that were made of durable materials.

4. Ancient architectural structures were built on a much grander scale than the structures of prehistoric societies.

5. This work is likely to give us more information about what ancient people believed and how they practiced religion.

6. The artwork was made of stone, metal, and gems, which were very durable.

7. The Sumerians

8. The Sumerians gave rise to the earliest examples of writing in cuneiform on clay tablets.

9. The clay bricks and mud the Sumerians used as building materials were not very durable.

10. It was destroyed, so he cannot visit it.

11. Houses and work areas were built surrounding the temple.

12. It is one of the oldest known examples of relief sculpture that depicts a narrative.

13. They have large eyes.

14. They are all the same pharaoh.

15. The pharaohs were believed to be divine, gods who had the power and authority to rule.

hope this helped!

Josiah The King is 100% right

Josia The King- u really are the king, ive been doing horribly in this class for a while and u just saved me the struggle

this just boosted my grade!

i hope u know ur much appreciated!

The correct answer is A. The cultures who created ancient art recorded their history in writing.

When studying art from long ago, one of the challenges is understanding the context and purpose behind a piece of artwork. This is especially difficult with prehistoric art, as it was created by cultures that did not have a writing system to provide written records. On the other hand, ancient art refers to art created by civilizations that had developed writing systems and recorded their history.

Many ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, had a practice of documenting their history, including the creation and purpose of their artworks. These written records have survived over centuries and give researchers valuable insights into the motivations, techniques, and meanings behind the ancient art.

For example, ancient Egyptian art was often created for religious or funerary purposes, and their tombs and temples contain inscriptions and texts explaining the significance of the artwork. Similarly, ancient Greek and Roman art was often accompanied by written descriptions or mentioned in literary works, providing further context and understanding.

On the other hand, because prehistoric cultures did not have a writing system, we have limited knowledge about the specific reasons and meanings behind their art. We can only make educated guesses based on archaeological evidence and comparative studies with modern indigenous cultures.

In summary, the main reason why there is more information available about ancient art compared to prehistoric art is that ancient cultures had writing systems and recorded their history, which allows researchers to gain a deeper understanding of their artwork.