ed is using the recipe shown to make fruit salad. he wants to use 30 diced strawberries in his fruit salad. how many bananas,apples,and pears should ed use in his fruit salad?

To determine the quantity of bananas, apples, and pears needed for Ed's fruit salad, we would need the exact recipe or a ratio of strawberries to other fruits. Unfortunately, you have only provided the quantity of diced strawberries.

To solve this, we can either assume a specific ratio for the fruit salad or provide a standard fruit salad recipe. However, keep in mind that fruit salad recipes can vary based on personal preferences and intended serving sizes.

Assuming a basic fruit salad recipe, here's an example ratio:

- For every 2 diced strawberries, we can use 1 banana, 1 apple, and 1 pear.

Based on this ratio, we can calculate the required quantities of bananas, apples, and pears for the given 30 diced strawberries.

1. Determine the ratio:
- 2 diced strawberries : 1 banana
- 2 diced strawberries : 1 apple
- 2 diced strawberries : 1 pear

2. Calculate the number of sets of 2 diced strawberries:
- 30 diced strawberries ÷ 2 = 15 sets

3. Calculate the required quantity of each fruit:
- Bananas: 15 sets × 1 banana per set = 15 bananas
- Apples: 15 sets × 1 apple per set = 15 apples
- Pears: 15 sets × 1 pear per set = 15 pears

According to this ratio, Ed should use 15 bananas, 15 apples, and 15 pears in his fruit salad if he wants to use 30 diced strawberries.