Look at the map. Click on the two areas that made it possible for people in these ecosystems to use the trans-Saharan trade route.

i got u since these b!ches wont

1: both sahel squares
2: (top) sundiata, mali, mana musa, songhai (bottom)
3. trade with greek and romans and influence of a captured syrian servant
4. both were commercial trade centers
5.Mali became primarily a Muslim culture.
6.Contact through trade resulted in a multicultural mix that influenced language.
7.It allowed them to trade natural resources for items they needed.
8.a clan
9.They controlled how much of it was available.
10.The languages they established are still spoken today.
11.It brought world attention to Mali.
13.trade across the Indian Ocean
14.to preserve cultural traditions
the rest are essay questions.
good luck this if from 2023 6th grade good luck and this school is horrible I hope you got a good grade and aca sucks

wth is aca- ii thought it was connexxus academy-

i will answer the essay questions just let me do the others rq...

1.Oral traditions are key features because they are like messages transmited from one generation to the next.

Proverbs are features because proverbs ar like sayings or fudimental truths that they listen to.
Last music is a key feature because it was like a form of comunication.

Askia Muhammad strengthened Islam within the empire. He chose the Muslim judges to enforce the laws, which depended on Islamic values. Quran was written in Arabic, Songhai's rules were also written in Arabic also.

The cultures of West and East Africa could manage to endure due to international trade which brought access to European textiles and metal goods. New food crops were also introduced to these lands and agriculture maintained on a stable and hight level. All these factors enabled the endurance of these cultures.

also, hes correct.. and if your repliying next year, i wont be here... cuz im quitting this site..

fr im going to a real school next year

I see. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Describe how oral traditions, proverbs, and music are key features of Africa's cultural legacy.

Oral traditions, proverbs, and music are key features of Africa's cultural legacy as they are a part of the rich oral history that is passed down from generation to generation. These cultural practices are a way of sharing knowledge, history, moral stories or fables, and values.

Oral traditions often include storytelling, myths, or epics. They are usually passed down orally from one individual to another, and they offer insight into the people's beliefs about themselves and their world. These oral histories help to maintain cultural customs and beliefs.

Proverbs, on the other hand, are succinct and catchy expressions that are handed down from generation to generation. A proverb contains a fundamental truth and is used to teach or communicate a message. Proverbs capture the essence of cultural values and belief systems, and they are often used as a form of oral literature that helps to reinforce and communicate important messages within a society.

Music is also a significant aspect of Africa’s cultural legacy. It is used as a form of communication and expression, and it can be found in all aspects of African life. African music is diverse and often reflects regional, ethnic, or linguistic cultures. Its rhythms, melodies, and lyrics are used to convey a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Music also serves as a way of honoring ancestors, celebrating life, and reinforcing cultural pride and identity.

In conclusion, oral traditions, proverbs, and music are key features of Africa's cultural legacy because they help to preserve, communicate, and reinforce important cultural values, stories, and beliefs. They are a way of passing down traditions and history from one generation to another.

make it shorter