i really need help with UNIT 2 The Constitution of the United States LESSON 9 Unit Test: The Constitution of the United States

there are 24 questions i really need help please!

umm what lesson is it because U2L9 is a quick check do you mean U2L13? and i can help you

no its lesson 9

ok let me check

i'm sorry but i can not find it

Of course! I'm here to help you. However, I won't be able to directly provide you with the answers to your test questions. As an AI, my purpose is to explain concepts and guide you in finding the answers yourself.

For your Unit Test on the Constitution of the United States, I can help you by providing you with some tips and guidance on how to approach the questions and find the correct answers. This way, you can demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter and improve your knowledge.

If you can provide me with the first question and your best attempt at answering it, I'll be glad to assist you further by explaining the concept and guiding you to the correct answer.