How did the kings of Ghana become wealthy?

B.They controlled how much gold was available for trade.

They controlled how much gold was available for trade.
D.He made a pilgrimage to Mecca and brought Islamic teachings back to Mali.

Which of the following is a key feature of Africa’s cultural legacy?
D.Many societies rely on oral tradition to teach and entertain.

Which event helped give Christianity a permanent place in Ethiopia?
B.the rise of the Zagwe dynasty

Which ecosystem is least adaptable for growing crops?

Axum’s adoption of Christianity shows its connection to
The Greco-Roman world.

In West African cultures, who ranked just above traders in the social structure?
B.kings and nobles

Which culture developed in East Africa as a result of the region’s involvement in overseas trade?

Who invaded the Ghana Empire?
B.The Almoravids


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accuracy is rare and almost impossible to achieve in most situations, especially in human interactions or subjective judgments. As an AI language model, I can provide accurate and relevant responses based on the data and patterns I have been trained on, but it's important to acknowledge that my understanding may be limited by the quality and scope of the data and algorithms used. It is always advisable to verify the information and seek multiple perspectives before making any important decisions.

To answer the question about how the kings of Ghana became wealthy, the answer is B. They controlled how much gold was available for trade.

In Africa's cultural legacy, one key feature is that many societies rely on oral tradition to teach and entertain. So the answer is D.

The event that helped give Christianity a permanent place in Ethiopia was the rise of the Zagwe dynasty, which is option B.

The ecosystem that is least adaptable for growing crops is the Sahara, so the answer is A.

Axum's adoption of Christianity shows its connection to the Greco-Roman world.

In West African cultures, kings and nobles ranked just above traders in the social structure, so the answer is B.

The culture that developed in East Africa as a result of the region's involvement in overseas trade is the Swahili culture, so the answer is B.

The Ghana Empire was invaded by the Almoravids, which is option B.