Create an illustration that represents the wealth of the kings of Ghana. Include elements like a salt mine, gold coins, an ivory statuette, and iron weapons. Show a representation of the trans-Saharan trade route, bursting with caravans traveling to and from. Ensure the image is visually appealing and does not contain any text.

I need this like now

How did the kings of Ghana become wealthy?


They mined salt from the region and sold it to neighboring regions.

They controlled how much gold was available for trade.

They used the trans-Saharan trade route to acquire expensive ivory.

They learned to make weapons from iron and sold them to neighboring empires.


1.Correct answer B.
They controlled how much gold was available for trade.

2.He made a pilgrimage to Mecca and brought Islamic teachings back to Mali.

Many societies rely on oral tradition to teach and entertain.

4.Correct answer B.
the rise of the Zagwe dynasty

5.Correct answer A.

6.Indian civilization.

7.Correct answer B.
kings and nobles

8.Correct answer B.

Bruh is right except 6 it's

The Greco-Roman world
I just finished it

1.Correct answer B.

They controlled how much gold was available for trade.

2.He made a pilgrimage to Mecca and brought Islamic teachings back to Mali.

Many societies rely on oral tradition to teach and entertain.

4.Correct answer B.
the rise of the Zagwe dynasty

5.Correct answer A.

6.the Greco-Roman world

7.Correct answer B.
kings and nobles

8.Correct answer B.

9.Correct answer B.
The Almoravids

he is right but if you have a ninth question the answer is. B. the Almoravids

Strange how bruh got a question wrong but had no dislikes

Anyway anyone want a mint? Please give me the sweet release of death... like how my mints taste!

Thank you guys so much for your help.

yea everything is correct on bruh exept 6 its the greco-roman world

yeah bruh is right except for 6

Axum's adoption of Christianity shows its connection to

(Drop down) the Greco-Roman world
(It is not: Indian civilization)

@itsamequestions is correct.