Calculate the distance between Lagos at( lat 4n) and Cairo at(lat 30n)

To calculate the distance between two points on Earth given their latitude and longitude coordinates, you can use the Haversine formula. This formula takes into account the Earth's radius and the difference in latitude and longitude between the two points.

Here's how you can calculate the distance between Lagos (4°N) and Cairo (30°N):

1. Convert the latitude from degrees to radians.
- Lagos: 4°N = 4 * (π/180) = 0.07 radians
- Cairo: 30°N = 30 * (π/180) = 0.52 radians

2. Calculate the difference in latitude and longitude.
- Latitude difference: 0.52 radians - 0.07 radians = 0.45 radians
- Longitude difference: Since Lagos and Cairo have the same longitude (0°E), the difference is 0 radians.

3. Apply the Haversine formula:
- Distance = 2 * R * arcsin(sqrt(sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin²(Δlong/2)))
- R: Earth's radius (6371 km)

By substituting the values:
- Distance = 2 * 6371 * arcsin(sqrt(sin²(0.45/2) + cos(0.07) * cos(0.52) * sin²(0/2)))

4. Simplify the equation and calculate the result.

So the final step of calculation becomes:
- Distance = 2 * 6371 * arcsin(0.5) ≈ 2 * 6371 * 0.5236 ≈ 6670 km

Therefore, the approximate distance between Lagos and Cairo is 6670 kilometers.