What is the longitude of a town x whose time is 12 noon when greenwich mean time is 6 pm

To determine the longitude of a town based on its time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), you need to calculate the time difference between the town and GMT and then convert it into degrees of longitude.

Given that the town's time is 12 noon when GMT is 6 pm, this means the town is 6 hours ahead of GMT.

To convert this time difference into degrees of longitude, you need to know that Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, which means it rotates 15 degrees per hour (360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees/hour).

Since the town is 6 hours ahead of GMT, you can calculate the longitude as follows:

Longitude = Time Difference × Degrees per Hour
= 6 hours × 15 degrees/hour
= 90 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of the town X is 90 degrees.