Which characteristic is shared by both dark matter and baryonic matter?

they both have gravity

We will see

Both dark matter and baryonic matter have mass.

To determine which characteristic is shared by both dark matter and baryonic matter, we need to understand their individual properties.

Baryonic matter refers to ordinary matter that is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. This includes everything we see around us, such as people, planets, stars, and galaxies. Baryonic matter interacts with light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, which means it can be observed and detected through various methods.

On the other hand, dark matter refers to a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is called "dark" because it cannot be directly detected with our current observational tools and techniques. We primarily know about dark matter from its gravitational effects on visible matter, such as the way it affects the motion of stars and galaxies.

Now, coming back to the question, there is one characteristic that is shared by both dark matter and baryonic matter - they both have mass. Mass is a fundamental property that allows matter to interact gravitationally with other objects. Both dark matter and baryonic matter have gravity and can influence the motion of other objects through their gravitational pull.

So, the characteristic shared by both dark matter and baryonic matter is that they both have mass and exert gravitational effects. However, it's important to note that the composition and behavior of dark matter are still uncertain, while baryonic matter is well-studied and understood.