What disadvantage does biomass energy share with fossil fuel energy?(1 point)


Its supply is limited.
Its supply is limited.

It leads to air pollution.
It leads to air pollution.

It is expensive to use.
It is expensive to use.

It disrupts water ecosystems.

It leads to air pollution.

The disadvantage that biomass energy shares with fossil fuel energy is that it leads to air pollution.

The disadvantage that biomass energy shares with fossil fuel energy is that it leads to air pollution.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the given options and evaluate each one. The first option states that biomass energy has a limited supply, while the second option suggests that it leads to air pollution. The third option indicates that it is expensive to use, and the fourth option states that it disrupts water ecosystems.

Analyzing each option, we can eliminate the options that are not common between biomass and fossil fuel energy. The third option, which states that biomass energy is expensive to use, is not necessarily true for fossil fuels, as they can be relatively inexpensive. The fourth option, which mentions the disruption of water ecosystems, is not shared between biomass and fossil fuel energy, as biomass energy relies mainly on organic materials, while fossil fuel energy is obtained from underground reserves.

The remaining options are the first and second. Both biomass and fossil fuel energy have a limited supply, as they both depend on finite resources. However, the option about air pollution applies to both biomass and fossil fuel energy. Burning organic materials to produce biomass energy releases carbon dioxide and other pollutants, similar to burning fossil fuels, which leads to air pollution.

Hence, the disadvantage that biomass energy shares with fossil fuel energy is that it leads to air pollution.