What number should be placed in the box to help complete the division calculation? 32

13) 4231
331 32
13) 4231
[ ]

To find the missing number in the division calculation, you can use the long division method. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by dividing the first digit of the dividend (4) by the divisor (13). Since 4 divided by 13 is less than 1, we move to the next digit.

0 ← Quotient digit

2. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (2) and append it to the remainder (4). Now we have 42.

0 ← Quotient digit
13 | 42

3. Divide 42 by 13. The largest multiple of 13 that is less than or equal to 42 is 3. Subtracting 39 (3 * 13) from 42 gives us a remainder of 3.

0 ← Quotient digit
13 | 42
- 39

4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (1) and append it to the remainder (3). Now we have 31.

0 ← Quotient digit
13 | 42
- 39
3 1

5. Divide 31 by 13. The largest multiple of 13 that is less than or equal to 31 is 2. Subtracting 26 (2 * 13) from 31 gives us a remainder of 5.

0 ← Quotient digit
13 | 42
- 39
3 1
- 26

6. Now, we need to determine the missing number to complete the division calculation. The missing number should replace the [ ] in the original problem.

The missing number should be 2, as when we divide 53 by 13, we get a quotient of 4.

0 ← Quotient digit
13 | 42
- 39
3 1
- 26
5 2

So, the missing number in the box should be 2.