Which step can ordinary people take to minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and prevent the loss of human life?


They can follow all advice and directions of first responders.
They can follow all advice and directions of first responders.

They can keep their eyes and mouth uncovered and open.
They can keep their eyes and mouth uncovered and open.

They can create an emergency plan within the first few hours after a natural hazard has occurred.
They can create an emergency plan within the first few hours after a natural hazard has occurred.

They can learn how to use the types of equipment scientists use to predict a natural hazard.

To minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and prevent the loss of human life, ordinary people can take a few steps:

1. Follow all advice and directions of first responders: In the event of an earthquake or volcanic eruption, it is essential to listen and follow the guidance provided by first responders, such as emergency personnel and authorities. They have trained knowledge and experience to help ensure safety during these situations.

2. Keep eyes and mouth uncovered and open: During earthquakes, the shaking may cause dust, debris, or ash to become airborne, which can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. By keeping the eyes and mouth uncovered and open, people can reduce the risk of injury or inhaling harmful substances during these events.

3. Create an emergency plan: It is crucial to have an emergency plan in place before a natural hazard occurs. This plan should include identifying safe areas in your home or community, establishing communication strategies with family members or neighbors, and preparing an emergency kit with essential supplies like food, water, first-aid items, and flashlights. Having such a plan in the first few hours after a natural hazard can help to save lives and minimize injuries.

4. Learn how to use scientific prediction equipment: While it may not be feasible for everyone to become an expert, learning about the equipment and techniques scientists use to predict natural hazards can be beneficial. It can help improve understanding and awareness of potential risks, allowing individuals to take necessary precautions and make informed decisions. However, it's important to note that ordinary people cannot rely solely on prediction equipment to prevent or minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes. It is still essential to follow the advice and directions of professionals and authorities.