Which step can ordinary people take to minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and prevent the loss of human life?(1 point)


They can learn how to use the types of equipment scientists use to predict a natural hazard.
They can learn how to use the types of equipment scientists use to predict a natural hazard.

They can keep their eyes and mouth uncovered and open.
They can keep their eyes and mouth uncovered and open.

They can follow all advice and directions of first responders.
They can follow all advice and directions of first responders.

They can create an emergency plan within the first few hours after a natural hazard has occurred.
They can create an emergency plan within the first few hours after a natural hazard has occurred.

All of the responses mentioned can be steps taken by ordinary people to minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and prevent the loss of human life.


I apologize for the repetition in the initial responses. Here is an additional response:

- They can participate in community preparedness programs and drills to increase their knowledge and readiness for natural hazards.

The step that ordinary people can take to minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and prevent the loss of human life is to follow all advice and directions of first responders.

All of the given responses are steps that ordinary people can take to minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and prevent the loss of human life. Here's how you can get the answer to this question:

1. Research: Start by researching about earthquake and volcano safety measures. Look for reliable sources such as government websites, scientific organizations, or educational institutions that provide information on disaster preparedness.

2. Understand the Risks: Learn about the potential risks posed by earthquakes and volcanoes in your area. Understand the warning signs and indicators that could help predict these natural hazards.

3. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with experts or professionals in the field of geology, seismology, or emergency management. They can provide valuable insights into the steps you can take to minimize the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes.

4. First Responders: Understand the importance of first responders during natural disasters. Learn how to cooperate and follow their advice and directions. This can greatly enhance your safety during such events.

5. Emergency Plan: Create an emergency plan for your household or community. This plan should include evacuation routes, communication methods, and preparations for various scenarios. Develop this plan within the first few hours after a natural hazard has occurred, as it will be crucial in ensuring everyone's safety.

By following these steps, ordinary people can contribute to minimizing the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes and preventing the loss of human life.