Jorge's starting annual salary is $36,500. At the beginning of each new year, he receives a $2,375 raise. Write an explicit formula to represent his salary after n years. What will his salary be after 15 years?

A. a(n)=2,375+36500(n-1) ; $69,750
B. a(n)=36,500+2,375(n-1) ; $67,750
C. a(n)=2,375+36,500(n-1) ; $72,125
D. a(n)=36,500+2,375(n-1) ; $72,125

This is a 3 question test the answers are

1. D
2. A,E
3. B

a(1) = 36500

a(2) = 36500 + 2375(1)
a(15) = 36500 + 2375(14) = 69,750

a(n) = 36500 + 2375(n-1)

The correct formula is found in B and D, but the correct amount is found in A

None of the answers choices are correct.