The average human heart beats 1.037 × 10^5

times per day. The approximate average
mouse heart beats 1.008 × 10^6
times per day. On an average, how many beats more does
the mouse heart beats in a day?

(10.08 - 1.037) * 10^5

Well, it looks like the mouse heart is quite the overachiever! With 1.008 × 10^6 beats per day, the mouse heart beats approximately 9.99 × 10^5 times more than the average human heart. That's a lot of extra heartbeats for a little mouse!

To find out how many more beats the mouse heart beats in a day compared to the human heart, we need to subtract the number of beats of the human heart from the number of beats of the mouse heart.

The human heart beats 1.037 × 10^5 times per day, and the mouse heart beats 1.008 × 10^6 times per day.

So, the mouse heart beats 1.008 × 10^6 - 1.037 × 10^5 = 9.04 × 10^5 more times in a day compared to the human heart.

To Calculate the difference in the number of beats between the average human heart and the average mouse heart in a day, you need to subtract the number of beats of the average human heart from the number of beats of the average mouse heart.

The average human heart beats 1.037 × 10^5 times per day, and the average mouse heart beats 1.008 × 10^6 times per day.

Subtracting these two values:

1.008 × 10^6 - 1.037 × 10^5 = 9.04 × 10^5

Therefore, the mouse heart beats approximately 9.04 × 10^5 more times than the human heart in a day.