Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

In the late 1900s, conflict broke out in Central American countries such as Guatemala and Nicaragua as people fought to overthrow
liberal governments.

To complete the sentence, you would select the option "liberal governments" from the drop-down menu. However, I'd like to provide you with some additional explanation on how to approach this task.

1. Read the sentence carefully: Start by understanding the context of the sentence. Here, the sentence is referring to conflict in Central American countries during a specific time period — the late 1900s.

2. Identify relevant information: Identify the specific countries mentioned in the sentence, which are Guatemala and Nicaragua. Also, note that people are fighting to overthrow something.

3. Analyze the options in the drop-down menu: Look at each option in the drop-down menu and evaluate which one completes the sentence appropriately. In this case, the phrase "liberal governments" makes sense in the given context, as it explains the target of the conflict.

4. Select the correct option: Once you have considered all the options and evaluated their suitability, choose the most suitable answer from the drop-down menu.