The confidential memo was accidentally sent to all of the members of the school board. Which word is closest in meaning to confidential?

1. Private

2. One who writes
3. Thesaurus
4. The glossary in his science book
5. Contrast
6. An adjective and miserable
7. Audi
8. Eco
9. Accumulate

I think these are the answers hope this helps

100% Thanks Dogcat

The word closest in meaning to "confidential" is "private."

To determine which word is closest in meaning to "confidential," we can use a thesaurus. A thesaurus provides synonyms, or words with similar meanings, which can help us find the closest match. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Type "Thesaurus" in the search bar and press Enter.
3. Several options for online thesauruses will appear. Click on one of the most reputable ones, such as or
4. Once you're on the thesaurus website, type "confidential" in the search bar.
5. Hit Enter or click the search button.
6. The thesaurus will provide you with a list of synonyms for "confidential."
7. Look through the list to find the word that is closest in meaning to "confidential" based on the context given. Some possible synonyms might include secret, private, classified, sensitive, or undisclosed.

Based on the context, the word "private" is the closest in meaning to "confidential."