The school cafeteria is offering a choice of two side dishes at lunch today, either watermelon or french fries. The ratio of the number of orders of french fries to the total number of side dishes ordered is 9:14.

Which of the following statements is correct about side dishes ordered?

To determine which statement is correct about the side dishes ordered, we need to calculate the number of orders for each side dish (watermelon and french fries), based on the given ratio.

Let's assume that the total number of side dishes ordered is represented by the variable "x".

According to the ratio given, the number of orders for french fries is 9 out of 14. This can be represented as 9/14 * x.

To calculate the number of orders for watermelon, we subtract the number of orders for french fries from the total number of side dishes: x - (9/14 * x).

Now, let's evaluate the statements using this information:

Statement 1: The number of orders for french fries is 9.
To check this statement, we need to compare the calculated number of orders for french fries to the value given in the statement. If the calculated number matches the given value, then the statement is correct.

Statement 2: The number of orders for watermelon is 5.
Again, we need to compare the calculated number of orders for watermelon to the given value to check the accuracy of the statement.

Statement 3: The total number of side dishes ordered is 40.
In this case, we need to compare the total number of side dishes (x) to the value given in the statement.

By evaluating each statement based on the calculations, we can determine which one is correct.