3 other names by which plant protein are called

Plant protein is commonly referred to by several other names. Here are three commonly used alternative names for plant protein:

1. Vegetable protein: This term is used to describe proteins derived from plant-based sources such as grains, legumes, nuts, and vegetables. It is commonly used in the context of plant-based diets or vegetarian/vegan lifestyles.

2. Vegan protein: With the rise in popularity of veganism, this term specifically refers to proteins derived from plant sources that are suitable for individuals following a vegan diet. It emphasizes the absence of animal-based proteins in the product.

3. Plant-based protein: This is a broad term that encompasses proteins derived from plants and includes both vegetable and vegan protein. It is often used in marketing and labeling to indicate that a product predominantly contains protein from plant sources.

These alternative names for plant protein are commonly used interchangeably and serve to describe the origin and source of the protein.