But since he had called our names at the beginning of the service we were mollifued

and were able to relax, knowing that he had acknowledged our presence. This small gesture made us feel welcomed and included in the service.

Step 1: Understand the context

It seems the statement is referencing a situation where someone had called the names of the individuals involved at the beginning of a service or event.

Step 2: Define "mollified"
"Mollified" means to be soothed or calmed after feeling angry, upset, or agitated.

Step 3: Interpret the statement
Based on the given information, it seems that after the person had called their names at the beginning of the service, the individuals mentioned in the statement felt mollified, suggesting that this act had a calming or soothing effect on them.

Step 4: Clarify the situation
To fully understand the statement, it would be helpful to know more details about the nature of the service or event, why the individuals were feeling agitated or upset in the first place, and how the act of calling their names at the beginning of the service helped to mollify them.

Without more context or information, it is difficult to provide a more specific interpretation or explanation.

To understand the statement, let's break it down:

"But since he had called our names at the beginning of the service we were mollified."

1. Identify the main verb: "were mollified"
- The verb "were" indicates that the subject of the sentence (we) experienced a state or action.
- "Mollified" describes the state or action that affects the subject (we).
- Therefore, the main action of the sentence is that "we" were mollified.

2. Determine the cause of being mollified: "since he had called our names at the beginning of the service"
- The phrase "since he had called our names at the beginning of the service" explains why "we" were mollified.
- "He" refers to a person who called the names.
- "Our names" refers to the names of the people mentioned.
- "At the beginning of the service" indicates when the names were called.
- This phrase suggests that calling their names had a calming or comforting effect on "we."

In summary, the statement means that "we" were appeased, pacified, or made less angry or upset because someone called their names at the beginning of the service.