What is most responsible for any movement in the Earth’s rock plates?(1 point)


convergent plate boundaries
convergent plate boundaries

convection currents
convection currents

divergent plate boundaries
divergent plate boundaries


convergent plate boundaries

cause most of the ones I am aware of

Which layer of Earth is best characterized as a layer of soft, hot rock?(1 point)


inner core
inner core

outer core
outer core



The correct answer is: convection currents.

The correct answer is "convection currents".

To understand why, let's explain how plate tectonics work. The Earth's lithosphere (which consists of the rock plates) is divided into several large and small pieces called tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below.

The movement of these plates is mainly driven by convection currents in the Earth's asthenosphere. Convection currents are a result of the heat generated from the Earth's core. As the hot material from the core rises towards the surface, it transfers heat to the surrounding rock, causing it to become less dense and rise as well.

When the less dense rock reaches the lithosphere, it spreads out horizontally, causing the tectonic plates to move apart. This is known as a divergent plate boundary. At divergent plate boundaries, new crust is formed as magma rises to fill the gap between the separating plates.

On the other hand, as the cooled and denser rock nears the boundary between the lithosphere and asthenosphere, it sinks back down in a process called subduction. This creates convergent plate boundaries where two plates collide and one plate is forced beneath the other. This process can cause the formation of trenches, volcanic arcs, and mountain ranges.

In conclusion, it is the convection currents in the Earth's asthenosphere that are primarily responsible for the movement of the Earth's rock plates, leading to various landforms and plate boundaries.