Plate Tectonics Quick Check

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What happens at a convergent plate boundary?(1 point)

Earth's rock plates pull away from each other
Earth's rock plates pull away from each other

Earth’s rock plates grow denser
Earth’s rock plates grow denser

Earth’s rock plates collide with one another
Earth’s rock plates collide with one another

Earth’s rock plates slide past each other
Earth’s rock plates slide past each other
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The correct answer is: Earth’s rock plates collide with one another.

Earth’s rock plates collide with one another.

At a convergent plate boundary, Earth's rock plates collide with one another.

To answer this question, we need to understand what happens at a convergent plate boundary. Convergent plate boundaries occur when two tectonic plates collide with each other. There are three types of convergent plate boundaries: convergent boundaries with oceanic-oceanic plate collision, convergent boundaries with oceanic-continental plate collision, and convergent boundaries with continental-continental plate collision.

At a convergent boundary with oceanic-oceanic plate collision, the denser oceanic plate is subducted (goes beneath) the less dense oceanic plate. This process forms a deep-sea trench and can result in volcanic activity and the formation of island arcs.

At a convergent boundary with oceanic-continental plate collision, the oceanic plate is subducted beneath the continental plate. This creates a subduction zone, where the oceanic plate sinks into the mantle. This process can result in the formation of coastal mountains, volcanic activity, and earthquakes.

At a convergent boundary with continental-continental plate collision, both plates are typically too buoyant to subduct. Instead, they collide and cause intense deformation and uplift of the crust. This can lead to the formation of large mountain ranges like the Himalayas.

Therefore, the answer to the question "What happens at a convergent plate boundary?" is: Earth's rock plates collide with one another.