Which feature of civilization helps people manage the use of resources?

A. arts and architecture
B. established religions
C. social classes
D. well-organized governments

The feature of civilization that helps people manage the use of resources is D. well-organized governments. To arrive at this answer, we can consider the function and role of a well-organized government in society.

A well-organized government typically has systems and structures in place to regulate the allocation and management of resources within a civilization. Governments can establish laws, policies, and regulations that govern the use, distribution, and conservation of resources. They can also create and enforce rules regarding property ownership, trade, and economic practices, which directly influence resource management.

Furthermore, a government can set up departments or agencies specifically dedicated to resource management. These entities can monitor and regulate resource extraction, exploitation, and conservation to ensure sustainability and equitable distribution.

While arts and architecture (A), established religions (B), and social classes (C) are all important aspects of civilization, they do not directly focus on the systematic management of resources like a well-organized government does.