use benchmarks to estimate each sum or difference.

4/5 + 8/9

To estimate the sum of 4/5 + 8/9 using benchmarks, you can round each fraction to the nearest benchmark fraction. A benchmark fraction is a fraction that is easy to work with mentally, such as 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, etc.

Step 1: Finding benchmark fractions
Let's find the benchmark fractions for both fractions:
- For 4/5, the nearest benchmark fractions are 1/2 and 1, as they are larger than 4/5.
- For 8/9, the nearest benchmark fractions are 1 and 1/2, as they are larger than 8/9.

Step 2: Rounding the fractions
Now, round each original fraction to the nearest benchmark:
- 4/5 rounds to 1
- 8/9 rounds to 1

Step 3: Performing the estimation
Since both fractions have been rounded to 1, we can estimate the sum of the two fractions as simply 1 + 1 = 2.

Therefore, the estimated sum of 4/5 + 8/9 is approximately 2.