debra has 2/3 of a pound of loose green tea leaves. If she wants to keep one half of the tea at home and the other half at work what fraction of a pound will she have at work?

To find the fraction of a pound that Debra will have at work, we need to divide 2/3 by 2 (since she wants to keep one half at home and one half at work).

Step 1: Convert the fractions into a common denominator.
The fractions already have a common denominator (3), so we can skip this step.

Step 2: Divide the numerator by 2.
2 ÷ 2 = 1

Step 3: The numerator becomes the fraction that Debra will have at work.
Therefore, Debra will have 1/3 of a pound of loose green tea leaves at work.

So, the fraction of a pound that Debra will have at work is 1/3.