Identity two contemporary Social issues in your school/community

To identify two contemporary social issues in your school or community, you can follow these steps:

1. Observe and research: Start by observing your school or community and researching the different social aspects that might be affecting people's lives. This can include looking into local news, community forums, social media groups, or talking to people around you.

2. Engage in conversations: Initiate conversations with different individuals from different backgrounds, such as students, parents, teachers, community leaders, or local organizations. Ask them about the challenges they face or the issues they believe are prevalent in your school or community.

3. Analyze the data: Collect and analyze the information you gathered from your research and conversations. Look for recurring themes or common problems that people have mentioned.

4. Consult with experts: Seek guidance from teachers, counselors, community leaders, or relevant professionals who might have a deeper understanding of the social dynamics in your school or community. They can provide insights on significant social issues currently affecting the area.

5. Assess the impact: Consider the impact that social issues have on various aspects of your school or community's well-being. These impacts can range from educational disparities and mental health concerns to issues related to diversity, inclusion, poverty, or environmental sustainability.

Based on the above steps, you would be able to identify two contemporary social issues in your school or community. It's important to note that the specific issues can vary greatly depending on the location, culture, and circumstances. Some common contemporary social issues might include:

1. Bullying: This can manifest in various forms, including verbal, physical, or cyberbullying. It affects students' emotional well-being, leading to a negative school environment and hindering learning and personal development.

2. Inequality and inequity: Social disparities based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, or disability can contribute to unequal access to resources, opportunities, and quality education. Addressing these gaps is crucial to ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for everyone.

Remember, this process of identifying contemporary social issues can be ongoing, as social dynamics and priorities may change over time.