Identity two contemporary social issues in your school\community

Identify two contemporary social issues in schools/community


To identify two contemporary social issues in your school or community, you can follow these steps:

1. Research and Observation: Start by observing and researching the issues prevailing in your specific school or community. Look for sources like news articles, social media discussions, community forums, and local government reports to gain insights into the problems and challenges being faced.

2. Community Involvement: Get involved in various community groups, clubs, or organizations that focus on addressing local issues. Engaging with these groups will provide you with a firsthand understanding of the social concerns being discussed and worked upon.

3. Conversations and Surveys: Initiate conversations with fellow students, teachers, parents, and community members to inquire about the social problems they think are significant. Conduct surveys to gather data and opinions, or organize focus groups to facilitate discussions on the pressing issues affecting your school or community.

4. Analysis and Prioritization: Analyze the information gathered through your research, conversations, and surveys. Identify recurring themes or concerns that are affecting a significant portion of your school or community, and prioritize them based on their impact or urgency.

Based on these steps and your specific context, here are two examples of contemporary social issues that might be prevalent in your school or community:

Example 1: Mental Health Awareness and Support: Through your research and conversations, you may discover that there is a lack of mental health resources, awareness, and support in your school or community. This issue could include factors such as the stigma associated with mental health, inadequate access to counseling services, or a lack of education about mental well-being.

Example 2: Environmental Sustainability: Another issue that might emerge is a concern for environmental sustainability. This could involve issues related to waste management, pollution, climate change, or the need for sustainable practices within your school or community.

Remember, these examples are just suggestions, and the specific social issues in your school or community may differ. Through research, involvement, conversations, and analysis, you will be able to identify the most prominent contemporary social issues that require attention.