Convert the answer to litres. Use 1000 litres

To convert a value to litres, you need to multiply it by the conversion factor. In this case, the conversion factor is 1000, since 1000 millilitres is equal to 1 litre.

Let's say you have the answer in millilitres and you want to convert it to litres.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Take the value of the answer in millilitres.
2. Multiply it by the conversion factor of 1000.
(Example: If the answer is 5000 millilitres, you would multiply 5000 by 1000.)
3. The result will be the answer in litres.
(Example: 5000 millilitres is equal to 5 litres, so the converted answer would be 5 litres.)

Remember, when converting millilitres to litres, you always divide by 1000.

I hope this helps!