Which field of research answers questions about how people lived in different places and times by focusing on human development and culture

The field of research that answers questions about how people lived in different places and times by focusing on human development and culture is called anthropology.

Anthropologists study human societies and cultures from various perspectives, including archaeology, linguistics, biological and physical anthropology, and social or cultural anthropology. By using a combination of these approaches, anthropologists examine how people have evolved and adapted to their environments, how they communicate and create languages, how their physical features differ across populations, and how their social and cultural practices vary across time and space.

To learn about how people lived in different places and times, anthropologists employ a variety of research methods. Here are the steps they often take:

1. Fieldwork: Anthropologists conduct fieldwork, which involves going to a specific place or culture to directly observe and interact with the people they are studying. This could involve living among a community, participating in their activities, and conducting interviews and surveys.

2. Data Collection: During fieldwork, anthropologists collect a wide range of data, including observations, interviews, photographs, and artifacts. They also study existing documents and texts related to the culture they are studying.

3. Analysis and Interpretation: Anthropologists carefully analyze the collected data to identify patterns, recurring themes, and cultural practices. They also compare the findings with existing theories and knowledge in their field.

4. Theory Building: Based on their analysis, anthropologists develop theories and models that explain how people lived in different places and times. These theories are based on empirical evidence and aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of human development and cultural diversity.

So, if you are interested in finding answers about how people lived in different places and times and how their development and culture have shaped these ways of living, studying anthropology and employing the methods and approaches used in this field will provide a foundation for your research.