What was the result of Cortes defeat of the Aztecs select all that apply

To determine the result of Cortes' defeat of the Aztecs, we can look at historical records and accounts. Here are some of the outcomes that can be selected:

1. The fall of the Aztec Empire: Cortes' victory marked the end of the powerful Aztec Empire. The capital city of Tenochtitlan, which was controlled by the Aztecs, was seized by Cortes and his forces in 1521.

2. Spanish colonization: The defeat of the Aztecs opened the door for Spanish colonization of the region. With the Aztec Empire gone, Spain was able to establish its own rule and exert control over the territory, leading to the creation of New Spain.

3. Conversion to Christianity: As part of their colonization efforts, the Spanish sought to convert the native populations to Christianity. The defeat of the Aztecs played a significant role in introducing Christianity to the region and spreading Spanish religious influence.

4. Loss of native culture and traditions: The defeat and colonization by the Spanish resulted in the decline and suppression of native Aztec culture and traditions. Many aspects of Aztec society were destroyed or replaced by Spanish customs and practices.

5. Introduction of new diseases: The arrival of Spanish conquistadors brought along diseases, such as smallpox, for which the native population had no immunity. This led to a devastating loss of life among the Aztecs and other indigenous groups, significantly impacting their population and society.

It is worth noting that these outcomes are not exhaustive, and other effects could be explored through further research and study.