Please help me I see no answers and I’m trying to get done cuz I have 7 homework to do Which words or phrases indicate a cause and effect relationship I need the answers

To identify words or phrases that indicate a cause and effect relationship, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Review the passage or sentence where you are searching for cause and effect relationships. Make sure you understand the context and the overall meaning.

2. Look for key conjunctions: Words such as "because," "since," "due to," "as a result," and "therefore" often indicate cause and effect relationships. These conjunctions connect the cause (reason) with the effect (result).

3. Identify transitional phrases: Phrases like "leads to," "causes," "results in," "consequently," "for this reason," and "so" are commonly used to show cause and effect relationships.

4. Analyze verb choices: Verbs that imply cause and effect often include words like "affect," "determine," "influence," "trigger," "produce," "result," and "bring about."

5. Examine sentence structure: In a cause and effect relationship, the cause is usually presented before the effect. Look for sentences where the cause is mentioned first, followed by the effect.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify words or phrases that indicate a cause and effect relationship in the text you are working on. Good luck with your homework!