Instead of linking events with transitional phrases that establish chronology, Alexie uses headings to move readers through the story. How do these headings indicate the passage of time? Are these headings enough, or do you think alexi should have opened each section of the story with a transition phrase?

book is patterns for college writing. Page 147 has the questions. However, before those pages has the story.

To understand how Sherman Alexie uses headings to indicate the passage of time in his story, we need to examine the structure of the text. As mentioned, the questions for analysis are on page 147 of the book "Patterns for College Writing," which indicates that the story begins before that page.

In this case, the headings play a crucial role in signaling the shifts in time throughout the story. Rather than using transitional phrases that establish chronology, Alexie uses headings to guide readers and provide a clear sense of time progression. These headings often serve as markers or clues to help readers understand when the events take place.

While the exact format and content of the story are not provided, we can assume that these headings are detailed enough to indicate changes in time. However, it is ultimately a matter of personal opinion whether opening each section with a transition phrase would have enhanced the story further. Some readers might prefer the use of transitional phrases to make the temporal transitions even more evident, while others may feel that the headings are sufficient.

To fully analyze and assess Alexie's use of headings, it is recommended to read the story and observe how the headings work in context. Reviewing the story and considering the effectiveness of the headings in conveying the passage of time will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the author's stylistic choice.