Instead of linking events with transitional phrases that establish chronology, Alexie uses headings to move readers through the story. How do these headings indicate the passage of time? Are these headings enough, or do you think alexi should have opened each section of the story with a transition phrase?

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Alexie's use of headings in lieu of transitional phrases to establish chronology serves as an effective way to indicate the passage of time in the story. These headings work by providing clear time markers that show the progression of events. By dividing the story into sections with specific time frames, Alexie ensures that readers can easily follow the narrative's timeline.

The headings themselves often explicitly state the time period they represent, such as "October 1975," "Winter 1976," or "Spring 1977." These labels act as signposts, guiding readers through the story's temporal structure. In this way, readers can understand how much time has passed between each section and the corresponding events within.

As for whether the headings alone are sufficient or if transitional phrases should have been used at the start of each section, it is more a matter of personal preference. Alexie's decision to rely solely on headings is a stylistic choice that conveys simplicity and conciseness. The headings are concise and direct, serving as clear indicators of time without extra verbiage.

However, some readers may feel that opening each section with a transition phrase could provide a smoother flow and better establish the connection between events. Transitional phrases can help bridge gaps between different sections, ensuring a seamless understanding of how one event leads to another. The use of both headings and transitional phrases would offer a more comprehensive approach and might suit readers who prefer a more explicit connection between events.

Ultimately, it is up to the reader's interpretation and preference. Alexie's use of headings effectively indicates the passage of time, but the inclusion of transitional phrases could offer an added layer of coherence and clarity for those who desire a more traditional narrative structure.