mr lim gave $3600 to his wife and two children altogether. His wife receieved $500 more than his son. His son received twice as much as his daughter. How much did mr lim’s wife receive?

To find out how much Mr Lim's wife received, we can break down the information given. Let's assign variables to represent the unknown amounts.

Let's say Mr Lim's son received X dollars. According to the given information, his daughter received half of that, or X/2 dollars.

His wife received $500 more than his son, so her amount can be represented as X + $500.

We know that the total amount given is $3600, so we can set up an equation to solve for X:

X + X/2 + (X + $500) = $3600

To solve this equation, we'll first eliminate the fraction by multiplying every term by 2:

2X + X + 2(X + $500) = 2($3600)
2X + X + 2X + $1000 = $7200
5X + $1000 = $7200
5X = $7200 - $1000
5X = $6200
X = $6200 / 5
X = $1240

Therefore, Mr Lim's son received $1240.

To find out how much Mr Lim's wife received, we substitute the value of X back into the equation:

X + $500 = $1240 + $500 = $1740

So, Mr Lim's wife received $1740.