797-234 rounding to the greatest place value

To round 797 to the greatest place value, we need to determine the position of the greatest place value we want to round to. In this case, we want to round to the nearest tens place.

Step 1: Identify the place value
The tens place is the position just to the left of the ones place. In the number 797, the digit in the tens place is 9.

Step 2: Determine the rounding rule
If the digit in the next smallest place value (ones place in this case) is 5 or greater, we round the digit in the targeted place value up by 1. If the digit is less than 5, we leave the targeted digit as it is.

Step 3: Evaluate the next smallest place value
In 797, the digit in the ones place is 7. Since 7 is greater than 5, we will need to round up the digit in the tens place.

Step 4: Round the number
To round the number to the nearest tens place, we increase the digit in the tens place by 1. Hence, 797 rounds to 800.

Therefore, rounding 797 to the greatest place value (tens place) gives us 800.