If the scale of a map is 1:20,000 and the distance between two points on the map is 5cm, what is the actual distance on the ground.

To find the actual distance on the ground, you can use the scale provided on the map. In this case, the scale is 1:20,000.

To calculate the actual distance, you need to multiply the distance on the map by the scale.

Let's do the math:

1. Convert the distance on the map from centimeters to kilometers (or any other unit that you prefer to work with). Since the scale is in cm, we'll convert 5cm to kilometers. There are 100,000 cm in a kilometer, so 5cm is equal to 5/100,000 km.

2. Multiply the converted distance from step 1 by the scale (1:20,000).

(5/100,000 km) * 20,000 = 1 km

Therefore, the actual distance on the ground is 1 kilometer.