out of 80 student ss3 if each student offer atleast one chemistry and physics

To determine the maximum number of students who can offer both Chemistry and Physics out of 80 SS3 students, we need to consider two scenarios:

Scenario 1: All students offer both Chemistry and Physics.
To calculate the maximum number of students in this scenario, we need to find the minimum number of students who do not offer both subjects. Since each student in SS3 is offering at least one of the subjects (Chemistry or Physics), the minimum number of students not offering both subjects is zero. Therefore, in this scenario, all 80 students can offer both Chemistry and Physics.

Scenario 2: Some students offer only Chemistry or Physics.
In this scenario, some students choose to offer only one of the subjects (Chemistry or Physics), while the remaining students offer both subjects. To calculate how many students can offer both subjects in this scenario, we can subtract the number of students who offer only one subject from the total number of students.

Let's assume that x students offer only Chemistry, and y students offer only Physics.
Since each student in SS3 offers at least one Chemistry and one Physics, we can express the sum of x and y as the total number of students:
x + y = 80

To find the maximum number of students offering both subjects, we need to find the minimum value of x + y. This occurs when x or y is equal to zero. Therefore, at least one subject will be offered by all 80 students.

Hence, in the worst-case scenario, all 80 students can offer both Chemistry and Physics.